Thursday, November 25, 2010

3 stitches. ouch.

jahatnya mat rempit zaman sekarang. this is the story.. real ok. i just came back from yana's place. was making sandwiches fer her and her fren's hen night, tonite. at..err somewhere in KL. before nak story about how dasyat the bleeding happened, saja nak bagitahu, saya buat sandwich boleh gagah la sedap, today. the name of the sandwich is Montreal Chicken Mayo. whoa. nama pun nak glamour :D after shopping dekat giant terdekat, pusing pusing sbb nak dapatkan ingredient yg paling budget, kami pun selesai membeli. after tu balik rumah untuk buat sandwich tu. hari ne agak xlarat sbb tu doc bagi glucose. up energy katanya. (hey doc, im drinking kacip fatimah and livita Go everyday. yes everyday without a miss! plus, i drink, 2-3cans per day.period.) after making sandwiches, the filling of sandwich tu agak banyak, so di atas permintaan jejaka jejaka kacak yang sedang menuju ke kota metropolitan sekarang ne, saya save utk mereka mereka. ok close story pasai cooking session today. erk, lastt to state here.Sandwich tu sedap :D  setibanya saya ke rumah, dekat cheras. eh. sedang saya driving back home, it was raining cats and dogs at that time. it was..around 5pm ago? at one corner, pranggg!! there was 1 motorcycle banggg my car. err my abah's car la. saya sangat takut, saya turun dalam hujan yg sgt lebat. you know why saya turun, sbb there was another one motorcycle  dipandu by a woman with her daughter, slipped away sebab licin jalan maybe and sebab the 1st motorcycle td la block the road. omg peeps, the daughter was bleeding. saya sangat panic, terus jadi marah sbb mamat 2 ekoq yg 1st motorcycle td tu blah camtu ja. where is your manners big boys!! stupid kan? saya marah ne. sangattt marah. terus saya buat muka sangat heroin, dan angkat that girl and put her inside my car. since her mom was alone, saya terpaksa suruh her mom follow saya dari belakang, hujan ok. lebat. mcm cats and dogs. kesian kan. kat clinic, doc ckp kena 3 stitches. surprisingly, that girl langsung diam. withou crying. without any erk ekk orrkkk she was pretending xsakit gamaknya. kecik2 dah pandai buat org lain xsusah hati. very good girl..entah kat mana prob, her mom lost dari kami, and after i paid fer the kid's treatment and ubat ubat, mak dia sampai. as usual, mesti lah ckp "terima kasih nakk, hanya tuhan ja yg dapat balas jasa baik anak ne. kalau makcik td, makcik bwk ke rumah je terus. yelah, nak ke clinic area sini dah la mahal, makcik xmampu." tuan tuan dan puan puan, lagi sekali saya nak menyatakan, sangat kesian kan. so, amik lah iktibar. sang rempits, stupid papapapapladoo you guys okay. i hate you. xsemau rempit mcm tu. those yg mcm tadi tu ja. fer that girl and her mom, take care next time. -_-


  1. bagus jijah.
    semangat macam neh yang kita mau.
    btw, hg xamek no plate kongkiaQ 2 org tu ka?
    boleh buat report.

  2. amek.! tapi mcm malas plak nak buat report. satgi mana tau depa tu student still ka. mana nak settle bab saman ka, police report ka. haha (padahai aku malas lah wey hehe)


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